Everyday Truth Blog
Everyday Stories to help you find GLIMPSES of God in the midst of the messy and mundane.
I tell the stories from my everyday life that have helped me to glimpse and experience the father heart of God, what it means to love well in marriage, go through tough stuff shielded by faith and simply follow Jesus.
Latest Blogs
Give Purpose to the Pandemic With This One Simple Thing...
At the beginning of this pandemic season, it seemed like we could just push pause on our lives and it would be over soon enough. But as we’ve all learned, perhaps the hard way, is that 9+ months is a long time to pause living. It’s too long to leave your life in a box on the shelf waiting for better weather.
Through the amaryllis, God has been teaching me this: good things can still grow in this season.
We always hear, “bloom where you’re planted,” but perhaps we’d be wiser to begin here: plant something where you are.
Because nothing can grow that hasn’t been planted.
When You Feel Like You Should Be Further Along by Now
When I first started blogging, my dad had recently been diagnosed with ALS. The purpose of my writing was to keep people informed on his prognosis and it ended up being a combination of his progress and the lessons God was teaching me along the way. When people stopped by, they’d often mention something to him about the blog. Finally one day, he pulled me aside, and on his letter board spelled, “What’s a blog?” I had to laugh before explaining what I was doing. I told him I was writing to keep people up to date and about lessons God was teaching me along the way. He shook his head and next spelled, “Write only the truth.” He never wanted the spotlight on Him, only God.
Is it okay to grow slow? [and how to keep it steady]
It’s an absolute joy to watch them grow. At 4 weeks and 8 years old, I don’t wish either were in a different stage than they are. I do want them to keep growing, but I don’t want either to hurry up.
I enjoy watching them grow slow.
Though growth is often slow, it can be steady. How?