Everyday Truth Blog
Everyday Stories to help you find GLIMPSES of God in the midst of the messy and mundane.
I tell the stories from my everyday life that have helped me to glimpse and experience the father heart of God, what it means to love well in marriage, go through tough stuff shielded by faith and simply follow Jesus.
Latest Blogs
Current Reads: Hinds Feet on High Places, Dance Stand Run, Longing for Home & Freedom Session
A quick glance at what I'm reading... The Bible, Hinds Feet on High Places, Dance Stand Run, Freedom Session and Longing for Home
The Alternative to Netflix Asking Me If I'm Still There
Are you still there?
Have you ever felt a little offended when Netflix asked you this? Of course I'm still here. Are you implying I shouldn't still be here? Are you suggesting I should be doing something more productive with my life? I was extremely busy finishing the entire series of Gilmore Girls in only a couple of short months.
In her new book, Nothing to Prove, Jennie Allen (one of my new favourites and founder of IF Gathering), describes my Netflix phenomena as numbing out.
Want to get things done in your marriage? Try this.
Perhaps like me, you communicate in attempt to connect with and correct people, or change circumstances you most desire. But often these attemps fall flat.
What if we took our words to vertical conversation, before we went horizontal? What if we talked to God before we talked to others? What if we allowed Him to filter our emotions, fears, feelings and responses through His truth before uttering a word?
Because here's the thing: Talking gets it out, but prayer gets it done.
Is brokenness really bad?
We used to sing this simple song in church. Perhaps you remember it?
Brokenness, brokenness, is what I long for. Brokenness is what I need. Brokenness, brokenness, is what you want for me, O Lord, O Lord. So take my heart and form it, take my mind transform it, take my willl conform it, to yours, to yours, O Lord.
I say 'used to' only because I can't remember the last time I heard it sung. Broken isn't the bullseye the world tells us to aim for.
Perhaps that is our problem.
She Reads Books & My Very First GIVEAWAY!
Do you love getting wrapped up in a good book?
I always have! Shortly after I had my second baby, I realized that it had been quite some time (possibly a few years) since I had picked up a good book. I set a very un-SMART New Year's Resolution to "read more books" in 2014. I started using my fringe hours more purposefully...
To celebrate the kick off of "She Reads Book," I want to give you.... a BOOK! Which book you may ask? Any Christian book you've been dying to read that I can order on Amazon Prime for $25 or less!