Are you frustrated when spiritual sparks fade fast?

Do you feel frustrated when your spiritual fire fades? Me too.

As a teenager, I attended an annual youth conference and summer camp with my youth group. Spending time with masses of like-minded people submerged in worship and the Word was a shot of spiritual adrenaline. I remember both fondly.

After a few years, a pattern emerged. Within a couple of weeks of returning home, many would report their enthusiasm had dwindled. The countdown to the next high would begin. We don’t automatically grow out of this pattern.

As adults, the next spiritual high can be the conference, the retreat, or the Sunday worship service.

Don’t get me wrong, I love gathering with the body of Christ. My ministry involves gathering with women around the Word. When you bring hundreds of candles together, you get a bonfire. There is a special presence of the Holy Spirit when the body of Christ gathers. Conferences, retreats, services and studies leave us feeling spiritually high.

But within days or weeks, the enthusiasm and resolve from the spark of spiritual adrenaline fades. Time and time again, we discover this sobering truth in our spiritual lives:


Sparks can start fires, but they cannot sustain them.

20 And the one sown on rocky ground—this is one who hears the word and immediately receives it with joy. 21 But he has no root and is short-lived. When distress or persecution comes because of the word, immediately he falls away (Matt. 13:20–21).

A seed sown in a rocky heart is characterized by enthusiasm without endurance. A seed with no room to develop deep-rooted yields a crop that withers easily under the elements.

Endurance requires sustenance. How is a fire sustained? By continually giving it fuel and oxygen. Without these, a fire will inevitably fade.

How will you fuel the Spirit’s fire within you today?

  • Thank God for His blessings as you drive to work or walk to school.

  • Verbalize what you’re worried about or afraid of

  • Spend a few quiet moments meditating on truth, asking God to deepen your roots in Him. 

  • Ask God for more of the Holy Spirit in your life.

Excerpt taken from The Flourishing Life— Discovering the transforming power of trusting God with your weaknesses, ways and wants. Available for preorder Friday, November 29, 2019. Study The Flourishing Life with a friend or your small group in January. Subscribe at to stay tuned for more details!


How to revive a dry, thirsty, tired heart.


Are you willing to meet Jesus in your weakness?